30 July 2005

Henry Kendall and J Sheridan Moore

Henry Kendall was born near Milton on the NSW coast. His first book Poems & Songs (1862) was published with the aid of J. Sheridan Moore. He won the Sydney Morning Herald's International Exhibition poetry competition in 1879 and published the last of his work Songs of the Mountains (1880). At the age of 43, he died of phthisis in Sydney. The letters offer insights into crucial phases of his life, documenting his early family and religious turmoil, as well as his later personal and literary recognition.

J Sheridan Moore was my Great Great Grandfather.

10 July 2005

Carrington Place Katoomba

Tai chi exercises in Carrington Place. This photo shows Karen, Alex and Warren practising finger exercises. We did do quite a bit of Swimming Dragon that morning because it was quite cold at the top of Katoomba Street. Fresh air and exercise at its best. Ok we were a little chilled, and little crazy, but it was a challenge. Not one of those training were at all keen to finish early. No frostbite!!

09 July 2005

Paul McCann's 50th

Paul McCann's 50th at Sutherland was a blast. With so many ex-OTC chaps there it was like a reunion. Even Bob Dean, behind the bar, was from the old company. Paul played in the band and the music was so good the crowd would not let him stop playing and enjoy his birthday. It was especially good to catch up with Chris Bull down from the North Coast and retired from his Vanuatu Telecom stint.

Paul turns 50 at long last

Paul has been ribbing us "older" blokes for long enough. Time he joined the "Masters" group of over 50's. I do have some more photos of this event and will link them up when I have a chance. In the meanwhile they are up on the exOTC website for those of you that care to access.

07 July 2005

Erin left for Perth

Erin left for Perth. Chand went to the airport with Viv and Phoebe to see her on her way. She seems excited about her new adventure. We will all miss her but happy that she is moving in a direction that suits her.

03 July 2005

Pogs visit Narellan

After visiting us in the Blue Mountains Allan & Helen went on down to Narellan to meet up with Nigel Haviland and Brian Crickitt. Click on the title of this post to access some more photos. Good to see familiar faces from many years ago that have not changed too much. Thanks to Allan for sending these pics through. Looking forward to catching up at Christmas when Allan and Helen make their annual pilgrimage.

02 July 2005

Allan & Helen Pog

I managed to contact Allan Pog via some detective work on the net. So when he was coming Sydney way he decided to drop in. I spent a delightful day restablishing a friendship that has always been important to me despite the different paths we chose and the intervening years. He went on after our meeting to catch up with some of our other old chums down Campbelltown way.

01 July 2005

Finchingfield the Cracknell & Stock family village

Have a look at this site by clicking on the title to this post. Roger Beckwith has some of the best photos and links about Finchingfield, the birthplace of Charles and Louisa Cracknell. Charles moved with his family to Australia and established the Cracknells in Picton.