This is the blog of Kim Hopkins of Hazelbrook. Long time employed in the telecommunications industry and occasional martial artist who now lives in the Blue Moutains.
31 May 2005
29 May 2005
Kim 50th Berowra Waters

My final 50th birthday celebration was for family and family friends. The seafood buffet lunch was scrumptious and the company was rumbunctious as ever when family gathers. It was a delight to have Marie and John Stewart attend and the Alcocks took up a whole table to themselves with the help of Betty Punch. Lots of fun opening the pressies from my Cooney cousins... This was also an occasion to invite some of my other cousins that I have established and reestablished contact with since taking an active interest in the family history and genealogy. With all my living aunts and uncles plus my two brothers there on the day, it was quite a family reunion.
21 May 2005
19 May 2005
Mary Hopkins (1920-2004)

Nostalgic day of autumn cool
Driving now past early school
Of Asquith, to that Church of Stones,
St Patricks, grey with russet tones.
Mary Stephens it is we send
Aunt & wife, from family wend
That spirit on all strong, yet cheerful
From us now, so sad & tearful.
Rex in wheelchair, sad was sat,
Larry first to tip his hat,
On cobbled forecourt, getting busy,
Said, hello there, Ant & Lizzie,
More were scattered here about,
Cousins these & aunts devout.
Now is time to head on in,
Church awaits, the coffin within.
Polished lid holds tribute flowers,
Gifts they are to higher powers.
For us all here in mortal plane,
Her photo calm, in glassy pane.
Silver plaque there fixed on top,
Attests the date her life did stop.
A simple plate with date & name
No list of works or family fame.
That photo placed atop the casket,
Breaks on through and I'm a basket-
case, at last. A tear, a sob,
emotions churn, my heart a blob.
Play some music, all are seated
Comes the priest, who's robes are pleated,
Say some words, now holy water,
Christened first a sacred daughter.
Chris & Pat a psalm will read,
Words of old, a sorrow creed,
Some formal comfort there for all
Those lads are family, standing tall.
A eulogy now, they're hard to say.
The grief comes up, it's in the way.
Throat all closed when need it most
Just keep going, past the post.
Adam stood and talked of 'Mare'
Told us all, how she would care,
With pea & ham that kept them healthy,
And lollie jar to match the wealthy.
Sets the tears off like a rocket.
Searching round in every pocket,
A hanky now to dab the eyes,
Tears I see, from all the guys.
Now is time to close this part.
More tears now, than at the start
So over coffin, burning incense,
Sadness now with smoke intense.

The lads all leap to grab a handle,
Whip away the burning candle.
Three a side, with little heaves,
Mary goes through autumn leaves.
15 May 2005
14 May 2005
09 May 2005
07 May 2005
Caroline Myss - Fate or Destiny
Caroline Myss Workshop Tour 2005
Fate or Destiny
The choices that empower your life
Sydney–Sat. May 7-Clancy Auditorium UNSW, Randwick
( Workshop times are 10am till 5pm )
Fate or Destiny
The choices that empower your life
Sydney–Sat. May 7-Clancy Auditorium UNSW, Randwick
( Workshop times are 10am till 5pm )
Most people feel the pull of their destiny and express the desire to fulfill their highest potential, and yet they end up settling for a life determined by fate. In fact, most people are unaware that they even have a choice between directing their life according to their destiny as opposed to the lesser path of their fate. This workshop explores the difference between living your fate or your destiny, including providing you with effective strategies to redirect your life on a path that embraces the fullness of your destiny and highest potential.
05 May 2005
03 May 2005
BUCKLEY,Joyce olive
BUCKLEY, Joyce olive passed away 3MAY2005 aged 89 Funeral 6MAY2005 NMH. [Ryerson Index]
Although I never met Joyce, I do remember Mum and Dad going up to visit their cousin at the Entrance. There are even some photos of the Hopkins and Hurst cousins together at the 50th wedding anniversary of Joyce and Ken.
She is survived by her Daughter, Kay.